The Great Muslim Scientist
Imam Jafar as-Sadiq was born in Medina on the 17 of Rabi ul-Awwal
in the year of 82 Hijra. His father was the 5th Imam Mohammed Baqar
(as) and his mother was Umme Farwa. It is said that Jafar as-Sadiq was
born circumcised. Imam Jafar Sadiq A.S was the most patient and tolerant teacher of his time. He used to teach theology, philosopher, science and literature. He was the first scholar in the world to have separated science and philosophy. No one before him paid any attention to the important point that they are two different subjects.
Imam fought with many types of people’s believes. Like Mosothiest & polytheist. also, some people belives on Monasticism, 2nd Hijra Muslims was also interested in Baptism. Which they learnt from Christianity. Another practice adopted from Christianity was celibacy. They consider is the means of purification of the soul. Imam Addressed the Muslims “Since our Prophet himself married. It is the duty of every Muslim to follow Prophet example and get married so that he may save himself from intellectual and spiritual degeneration”
Imam Jafar as-Sadiq was not only a religious leader, but a scientist, a philosopher, and a man of letters. In most of the areas, Imam was a pioneer of those subjects, Even no one has ever dreamt about it.
Imam defines the indeed concise and comprehensive definition of the relationship between Knowledge and literature.
“That is it is possible that literature may have no knowledge, but there is no knowledge without literature. Every kind of knowledge contains literature, but every kind of literature does not necessarily contain knowledge.”
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) also demystifies the composition of the human body, There are four elements that are in very large quantities and eight elements in small quantities and eight elements in minute quantities.
Thus in the 18th-century dissection of the human body proves that “Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen” are in the large quantities, “Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Iron, and Chlorine” are in small quantities and “Molybdenum, Cobalt, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Fluorine, Silicon and Io” are in very minute quantities.
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) has said 1400 years ago, that patients suffering from certain diseases emit special types of rays. If these rays fall upon a healthy person, they are apt to make him sick.
One of the unique theories of Imam Jafar as-Sadiq is that everything except Allah has its opposites, but this does not result in a conflict, otherwise, the whole universe would be destroyed. This is the theory of matter and anti-matter. The difference between matter and anti-matter is that in matter the electrons are negatively charged and protons are positively charged. But in anti-matter, the electrons are positively charged and protons are negatively charged. Scientists have concluded that if one kilogram of matter collides with one kilogram of anti-matter, so much energy will be released that the whole world will be destroyed.
Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS) gives his Statement about Literature said:
“Literature is the garment which one puts on what he says or writes so that it may appear more attractive”
Another theory by Imam Jafar Sadiq (as), there is nothing without motion. Everything in the universe including animated objects is always in motion although we may not see it. Motion is the essence of being, Science has proved this after centuries.
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) gives a theory about “origin of the universe”,
that was Universe is not always in one and the same condition, In one period it expands and in another, it contracts. In 1960 astronomers confirmed that distance between our and neighbouring galaxies are increasing, this observation proved that the universe is in a state of expansion, we don’t know when this expansion started.
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) was not a physician by profession, but he introduced and formulated methods of diagnosis and treatment in the field of medicine. Western scholars find it hard to believe how he could have introduced a certain diagnosis in that age and time.
Answer to a question about “How does the movement of the stars keep them from falling?” Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) replied Put a stone in a sling and swing it around your head the stone will stay in a sling so long as you are rotating it. But as soon as you stop the rotation, the stone will fall down on the ground. In the same way, the perpetual motion of starts keeps them from falling down.
Imam Jafar as-Sadiq was ahead of his time by 1,100 years. Indeed he had
access to Ilm Ladunni (divine knowledge).
Ref: Maghze Mutafakkir Jehan Shia (The famous Persian book)