Pixel Wars: Elixir and Rust Join Forces for Image DominationElixir is a fantastic language for building scalable, fault-tolerant applications, but it can sometimes fall short when you need access to…Oct 24, 20231Oct 24, 20231
Enhancing Performance and Visibility in Phoenix with Spandex and DatadogTracing is an essential part of monitoring and understanding the behaviour of distributed systems. By capturing and analyzing traces, we…May 16, 20231May 16, 20231
Revolutionizing Software Development: The Impact of ElixirElixir is a functional, dynamic programming language that was created in 2011 by José Valim. Built on top of the Erlang Virtual Machine…Apr 28, 2023Apr 28, 2023
The Great Muslim ScientistImam Jafar as-Sadiq was born in Medina on the 17 of Rabi ul-Awwal in the year of 82 Hijra. His father was the 5th Imam Mohammed Baqar (as)…Jan 3, 2021Jan 3, 2021
Good Advice for MothersImam Jafar as-Sadiq was not only a religious leader, but a scientist, a philosopher, and a man of letters. 1400 years ago he gave advice…Jan 3, 2021Jan 3, 2021
Command Line Hacks | Linux | Unix | WindowsA command-line interface (CLI) processes commands to a computer program in the form of lines of text. The program which handles the…Jul 10, 2020Jul 10, 2020
Javascript Data TypesHistory & Introduction: From the earliest days of the Web, JavaScript has been a foundational technology that drives interactive…Jul 1, 2020Jul 1, 2020
JavaScript Event LoopJavascript is the single-threaded asynchronous programming language. What does it actually mean, from where the event loop comes into the…Jun 24, 2020Jun 24, 2020